조직 재생 분야 다양한 전문가들이 모인 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 융합 연구집단
지적 재산권 확보
- 재생의료 관련 국제 SCI(E) 논문: 650여편
- (상위 10% 250편, 상위 1% 30편, 해외공동연구 150편)
- 국내 출원/등록 (152건, 92건), 국외 출원/등록 (17건, 1건)
- 기술이전 10건
- Journal of Tissue Engineering (IF = 7.940)
국내 연구원으로는 유일하게 재생치료 SCI 국제 저널 운영
대형 국책과제 운용 경험:
약 650억 원
- 세계연구중심대학 사업(‘08~’14)
- 글로벌연구실사업(’15-’21)
- 해외우수연구기관유치사업(’18~’24)
- MRC선도연구센터사업(‘21~’28) 등
다양한 분야의 재생의료
치료제 개발 연구진
연구환경 구축
글로벌 협력 연구진
네트워크 확립
국내 유일의 광/레이저 연구기관으로 광의학 융합연구 수행하는 글로벌 선도 연구기관
지적 재산권 확보
- 광융합 바이오/의학 관련 국제 SCI(E) 논문: 500여편
- 국내 등록 161건, 국외 등록 6건
- 기술이전 및 실용화: 57건, 10억원 기술이전료
- 사업화: 20건, 450억원
대형 국책과제 운용 경험:
약 650억 원
- 레이저의료기기 임상시험센터 (‘08)
- 한국베크만광의료기기연구센터 BLI Korea (‘13)
- 레이저의료기기 중개임상시험 지원센터 (‘15)
- 한국베크만광의료기기연구법인 BLI Korea (‘18)
- 대학중점연구소(‘20~’29)
임상의사과학자 양성을 위한
연구 시설 인프라 구축
글로벌 협력
연구진 네트워크 확립
Laser Translational Clinical Trial Center
I Research Objective
Laser translational clinical trial center (LTCTC) supports non-stop cyde medical device development (TRL1-9) through establishment and utilization of a support system to improve medical devices. ISO14155 intemational clinical trial center
- Usability center specialized in optical convergence medical devices
- Approve IEC62366 and non-clinical/clinical trials based ISO14155
II Research Fund
- Convergence Optical Technology based Smart Theranostic Device.
- Research period: 2015.11-2023.12.31
- Korea Health Industry Development Institute
- Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea
III Achievements
- SCI level paper publication: 34ea including Thorax(10.844)
- Patents: 48ea
- Pre-Clinical/Clinical Trials: 38ea/37ea
- Company Consulting: 339
Preclinical Trial
Usability Center and Test
Photonic Life Science Center
I Research Objective
- The photonic life science center aims to become a global leader in photonic convergence research, focusing on fundamental and applied research in the field of photonic convergence life science and medicine.
- Fundamental and applied research in photonic convergence
- Technology guidance, transfer, and support for commercialization.
- Securing national research funding and collaboration companies.
II Research Fund
- Medical Laser Research Center (Key Research Institutes in Univ.)
- Research period: 2020.06-2029.05
- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Supported by Ministry of Education.
III Achievements
- SCI level paper publication: 41ea (IF: avg. 4.7, max.16.87)
- Patent application/registration: 18ea/2ea
- Award: 14ea including Best Poster Presentation
Medical Laser From Bench to Bedside.
Biophotonics Research Center
I Research Objective
- The biophotonics research center aims to develop advanced diagnostic technology using near-infrared light and artificial intelligence (AI) models for personalized healthcare through the Internet of Biophotonics Things (loBT).
- Applications technology for biophotonics and Internet of Things
- Personalized Al models for physiological information analysis
- Technology transfer for Commercialization of R&D results
II Research Fund
- Beckman Laser Institute Korea (BLI-Korea) Foundation.
- Research period: 2012.12-2023.12.31
- National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)
- Supported by Ministry of Science and ICT
III Achievements
- SCI level paper publication: 61ea
- Patent application/registration: 38ea/32ea
- Technical Transfer: 10ea (Initial Payment: $250,000)
- International BUI-Korea Symposium: 10ea